Captain America The Last Mission: Steve Rogers Captain America 4

Captain America The Last Mission

When Avengers Endgame movie came in 2019, Captain America was seen time traveling in Quantum realm with gems in the end of the movie and the gems had to be returned to the timeline. At that time it was being speculated that after the Avengers game, the movie “Captain America The Last Mission” would be released, but till now MCU has not even mentioned “Captain America The Last Mission” movie which will be the biggest hit, blockbuster movie of Marvel Universe. Chris Evans fans are eagerly waiting for Captain America The Last Mission movie and it is expected that MCU will release this movie in Phase 4.

Captain America The Last Mission
Captain America The Last Mission

After defeating Thanos in Avenger Endgame movie, Steve Rogers (Captain America) had one last mission left in which he had removed the Infinity Stones from the timelines and had to place them back at the right time and right place so that the timelines remain safe and intact. Steve Rogers put Thor’s Mjolnir and 6 Infinity Stones in his briefcase and went on time travel. Steve Rogers travels to different time periods with the help of Quantum GPS and this is how the movie starts in which the movie will take place in different steps.

Captain America The Last Mission
Captain America The Last Mission

Stop 1: The Battle of New York (2012)

In the first timeline, Steve Rogers arrives in New York City in Avengers 2012 to fight with Loki and his army. Steve Rogers knows where to go and discreetly leaves the Mind Stone with the SHIELD agents. At this point, Steve Rogers uses the Mind Stone on Tony and Thor to put them in a trance so that Steve Rogers can go back without anyone realizing his presence.

The Battle of New York (2012)
The Battle of New York (2012)

Stop 2: The Battle of New York (2012)

After this, Captain America again reaches Doctor Strange’s building (Kamar Taj) in New York in Avengers 2012 where he meets Doctor Avengers’ “The Ancient One” to whom Bruce Banner (Hulk) had promised that the gem would be returned in the correct timeline and at the right time. Coming to this timeline, The Ancient One asks Steve Rogers about his mission and takes back the Time Stone. Captain America goes back quietly after returning the Time Stone.

Time Stone
Time Stone

Stop 3: Asgard (2013)

Steve Rogers travels to Asgard where Thor and Rocket stole the Reality Stone(The Aether). Steve Rogers is amazed to see Asgard as he had only heard about Asgard in stories. Then Steve Rogers quickly moves to Jane Foster’s bedroom and slowly injects the Aether into Jane Foster’s body and confirms that there has been no tampering with the timeline. After completing his work, Steve Rogers gets emotional looking at Mjolnir and Mjolnir was also running behind Steve Rogers and now Mjolnir had returned to Thor.


Stop 4: Vormir (2014)

Steve Rogers travels through time and reaches the planet Vormir. As soon as he reaches there, Steve Rogers’ heart sinks because Natasha had sacrificed her life in a dark and terrifying environment. As soon as Steve Rogers reaches the top of the mountain, he encounters Red Skull. Red Skull talks to Steve Rogers in his ghostly form and says how cruel fate is that Steve Rogers has to come to Vormir. Steve Rogers remembers the Second World War and then Steve Rogers thinks that this is not the time to take revenge. He puts the Soul Stone in Red Skull’s chair and goes back because he knows that Natasha is not going to come back. Remembering Natasha in his mind, he leaves the planet Vormir with a heavy heart. Here, Red Skull is surprised that everyone wants to get the Sole Stone and Captain America has left the Solar Stone here.


Stop 5: Morag (2014)

After that Steve Rogers reaches the planet Morag where the Power Stone was kept in an ancient temple. Steve Rogers reaches there before Peter Quill (Star Lord). He monitors the place very closely and puts the Power Stone back in its place in time. As soon as Steve Rogers puts the Power Stone back, Quill comes dancing to take the Power Stone and is unaware that someone has come here. Steve Rogers quietly leaves the planet Morag.

Peter Quill (Star Lord)
Peter Quill (Star Lord)

Stop 6: New Jersey (1970)

In this timeline, Steve Rogers reaches America’s secret base. In this timeline, Steve Rogers reaches New Jersey 1970 timeline where the Tessearact is hidden in the Army’s secret bunker. Secretly, Steve Rogers puts the Tessearact back in disguise. Here he meets Harvard Stark, who talks about Steve Rogers. Before the arrival of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from the Avengers 2012 timeline, Steve Rogers puts the Tessearact in time and quickly takes it out of the timeline.

Haward Stark
Haward Stark

Stop 6: The Final Destination – 1940s New York

After returning all the gems to their correct timeline, Captain America is ready to go to the quantum realm for the last time. With the help of quantum GPS, Steve Rogers reaches his home in 1940. There he finds himself in a restaurant in New York and there he meets Peggy Carter outside the window. After many years of fulfilling so many responsibilities, Steve Rogers now wanted to live for his happiness. Peggy Carter is surprised to see Steve Rogers and cannot believe herself. Peggy Carter cannot believe that Steve Rogers has time traveled from the future to the past. Steve Rogers proposes to Peggy Carter and spends his life with Peggy secretly without coming in the eyes of the world.

Peggy Carter
Peggy Carter

Avengers Endgame

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