Hamare Baarah is a Hindi-language drama film, This Film was directed by Kamal Chandra and produced by Radhika G Film & Newtech Media Entertainment, along with producers Ravi S. Gupta, etc. The film is co-produced by Triloki Prasad. Along with Annu Kapoor, it features a cast including Ashwini Kalsekar, Rahul Bagga, Paritosh Tiwari, Parth Samthaan, Manoj Joshi, debutant Aditi Bhatpahri, and others in prominent roles. release on 7 June 2024.
Hamare Baarah movie Cast
- Ashwini Kalsekar …Afreen Liyakat
- Annu Kapoor …Nawab Sahab
- Manoj Joshi …Senior lawyer
- Parth Samthaan …Danish
- Â Rahul Bagga …Shoaib Mansoor Ali Khan Sanjri
- Aditi Bhatpahri
- Paritosh Tripathi
- Ishlin PrasadÂ
- Uday Vir Singh Yadav …Judge
- Harish ChhabraÂ
- Shaan Saxena …Singing Contestant
Hamare Baarah movie crew
- Directed by Kamal Chandra
- Story by Rajan Agarwal
- Produced by Ravi S Gupta, Birendra Bhagat, Sanjay Nagpal, Sheo Balak Singh
- Cinematography Sethu Sriram
- Edited by Sanjay Sharma
Hamare Baarah movie story
A lady takes her father to court to permit her mother, who is in the middle of a hazardous pregnancy, the right to end the pregnancy in arrange to spare her life.
A delightful Hindi motion picture highlighting a stellar cast count of Annu Kapoor, Ashwini Kalsekar, and Manoj Joshi in unmistakable parts. This comedy-drama, skillfully coordinated by Kamal Chandran, guarantees a rollercoaster ride of feelings, chuckling, and ardent minutes. Get prepared to inundate yourself in the peculiar world of “Hamare Baarah” where giggling knows no bounds and each scene unfurls with captivating charm and mind.
Hamare Baarah movie trailer
Hamare Baarah movie more
- Production companies Radhika G Film, Newtech Media Entertainment
- Distributed by Viacom18 Studios
- Release date 7 June 2024
- Running time 148 minutes
- Country India
- Language Hindi
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